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Checkout Management

Checkout management is the process of formally providing a tool or piece of equipment to a user. This includes the following:

  • Select tool
  • Add user
  • Checkout
  • Check-in
  • Fulfill request

Checkout management provides a centralized location to manage tools, maintain tools, check-in tools, and fulfill tool requests from field.


Checkout list shows all orders that were used to assign tools to users and those that are ready to be fulfilled.

Quickly locate any order using simple search functionality, just enter few characters of order number and it will auto search and show relevant orders.

You can also filter orders using status:

  • Pending: Pending orders to be fulfilled (Request from Field)
  • Ready: Orders that were picked and are ready to for user.
  • Completed: Orders that were fulfilled and tools handed over to user.
  • Out of Stock: Orders that were marked out of stock due to lack of inventory.
  • Cancelled: Orders that were cancelled.
  • All: Show all orders.

Use Location filter to see tools orders related to specific location. (subject to appropriate rights)

Click on Order to details regarding tools.

Assign Tools to user

  1. Navigate to Tools tab. [shift-t]
  2. Find tool and click Add To Cart. (repeat for each required tool)
  3. In the Cart, click Assign, enter user and click Checkout to assign tool custody to user.

For reserving equipments, click Reserve in the Cart.

Check-In tools

  1. Navigate to Tools tab. [shift-t]
  2. Find tools to check-in and click Check In (->]) for each tool you want to check-in.
  3. In the Cart, click Check In, enter user and click Check In to return tools.

Fulfill Request from field

  1. Navigate to Checkout tab [shift-c]
  2. Open Pending Requests and gather requested Tools.
  3. Click Ready to let user know tools are ready for pick
  4. When user pickups tools, click Check Out to mark request as completed.

Bulk Upload

You can bulk upload three types of checkout orders:

  • Pending Orders: Upload orders that are pending to be fulfilled.
  • Tool Custodians: Upload existing tool custodian. No adjustment to inventory is made. Just updates record to reflect current tool custodian.
  • Completed Orders: Upload completed orders. It will auto adjust inventory. This is also useful for offline scenario.

For uploading Pending Orders, you will need to upload a CSV file with the following columns:

FieldsIs RequiredDescription
User EmailRequiredEmail of user that requested tools.
Tool NameRequiredName of tool
Quantity RequestedRequiredQuantity of tool requested
Requested DateOptionalDate of request. Date must be in YYYY-MM-DD format

For uploading Tool Custodians, you will need to upload a CSV file with the following columns:

FieldsIs RequiredDescription
User EmailRequiredEmail of user that requested tools.
BarcodeRequiredBarcode of tool
Quantity OwnedRequiredQuantity of tool owned
Checked Out DateOptionalDate of check out. Date must be in YYYY-MM-DD format
Due DateOptionalDate when equipment is due. Date must be in YYYY-MM-DD format

For uploading Completed Orders, you will need to upload a CSV file with the following columns:

FieldsIs RequiredDescription
User EmailRequiredEmail of user that requested tools.
BarcodeRequiredBarcode of tool
Quantity DispatchedRequiredQuantity of tool dispatched
Checked Out DateOptionalDate of check out. Date must be in YYYY-MM-DD format
Due DateOptionalDate when equipment is due. Date must be in YYYY-MM-DD format