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Dashboard provides with at-a-glance information regarding stats for Tools, Location, Users. Shows break down on total inventory by Status, Location, and Type. Real-time information for Checkout, equipment due and upcoming maintenance. Timely reminders to restock consumables. And allows your to keep track of your tool inventory with insightful stats and direct links.


Shows total count of tool inventory.


Shows total locations in your company.


Shows total users in the system.

Tool Status

Shows total count of tool inventory by status, available, checked out, in transit, etc.

Location Tools

Shows total count of tools in each location.

Type of Tools

Shows total count of tools by type,tool, equipment, consumable, and bulk.

Checkout Stats

Show total count for tool checkout orders by status, like Pending, Ready, Completed, etc. Click on a Stat to see checkout orders for that status.

Equipment Due

Show total count for equipment due, past due, due today and next due. Below stats you will find list of tools that are past due or due today, with direct link to checkout order.

Transfer Request Status

Shows total count for tool transfer orders by status, like Pending, Ready, Completed, etc. Below stats you will find list of ready store transfers with direct link to store transfer request.

Upcoming Maintenance

Show total count for tool maintenance work orders, past due, due today and due soon. Below stats you will find list of tools, with direct link to maintenance order.

Restock Consumables

Show total count for consumable that need restocking. Below stats you will find list of consumables that need to be restocked.

Restock Inventory

Show total count for bulk items that need restocking. Below stats you will find list of individual items that need to be restocked.

My Request Status

Shows count of tool requests that you have made to get tools grouped by status, like Pending, Ready, Completed, etc. Below that you will find link to list of request that are Ready for pickup.

My Due Equipment

Show total count for your equipment due, past due, due today and due son. Below stats you will find list of tools that are past due or due today, with direct link to checkout order.

My Transfer Request Status

Shows total count for your tool transfer request by status, like Pending, Ready, Completed, etc. Below stats you will find list of ready store transfers with direct link to your transfer request.