Start Tracking


Maintenance Management

Plan, schedule and carry out detailed equipment maintenance work orders. Efficiently track service work from start to finish on the go with the Mobile App. This guide will walk you through the setup process, as well as the step-by-step actions for service persons to log maintenance details.

Here's a detailed help article about the Maintenance feature in ToolWorks, describing step-by-step actions for administrators and employees:

Maintenance Work Order Types:

ToolWorks supports two types of maintenance work orders: Standard and Advanced.

Standard Maintenance Work Orders (Default)

Maintenance Order Workflow

Standard maintenance work order allows you to schedule tools and equipments for maintenance, get notification of upcoming maintenance and track/note work done. You can choose to include or exclude service personnel and there is no transfer tools custody to the service personnel. When you create a Standard maintenance work order, it starts in a Pending state (scheduled/work to be done). When the maintenance work is completed, it moves to the Completed state.

Advanced Maintenance Work Orders with Transfer Custody (Opt-In)

Maintenance Order Workflow

Advanced maintenance work orders add tool transfer custody workflow to the Standard maintenance work order. With advanced order, the service personnel must be assigned to perform the maintenance and assets will be checked out the service personnel. When the maintenance work is completed, it moves to Completed state. You must check in assets to finish the maintenance work. Order goes through Pending (scheduled), Active(tools checked out to service person), Completed(work done) and Returned states(tools checked in).

Advanced maintenance work orders are available for Enterprise customers.


  • In order to create maintenance order, user must have the Create Maintenance Order right.
  • In order to service the equipment, user must have the Service Maintenance Order right.

For Store Staff/Administrators:

💡 You must have the right Create Maintenance Order to perform this action.

How to Create Maintenance Work Order

  1. Navigate to the
    Tools tab. [shift-t]
  2. Locate tools and/or equipments that need maintenance and click Add To Cart.
  3. In the Cart, Click Maintain to create maintenance order and enter the details.
  • Select Type of Maintenance
  • Enter Start and End dates
  • Assign User that will perform the service (optional)
  • Enter notes for maintenance personnel (optional)
  1. Click Schedule to schedule maintenance order. Alternatively, click Check Out to assign equipment custody to user and start the work order.

👉 If order start date is more than 3 days in future, Schedule is automatically highlighted for Orders with transfer custody.

For Maintenance Staff

💡 User must have the right Service Maintenance Order to perform this action.

How to Log Maintenance

  1. Navigate to the Maintenance screen.
  2. Open the assigned work order and select Tool to start working.
  • Enter notes and service details
  • Save once completed
  1. When done with all equipments, click Complete to indicate maintenance completed.

For Store Staff/Administrators

How to Check In Serviced Equipment

  1. Navigate to the Maintenance screen.
  2. Open the assigned work order.
  3. You can enter notes for each service equipment (and update its status).
  4. You can also attach documents. Just drop documents in the Documents upload panel (or click to browse and select for File Explorer).
  5. Click Check In to indicate maintenance completed and equipment return to inventory.

How to Create Maintenance Type

  1. Navigate to the Maintenance screen.
  2. Click Maintenance Types
  3. Click Add.
  4. Enter following details
  • Name
  • Description
  • Additional optional notes
  1. Click Add to save to create new maintenance type.
  2. Located newly created maintenance type and Click to view details
  3. Expand Custom Task List
  4. Click Add Custom Task
  • Add one or more Custom Fields to track maintenance details
  • Click Save when done
  • Click Update to save changes to custom fields.

💡 User needs the right Define Context Scoped Custom Field to create custom tasks. Custom Fields for Maintenance feature is available for Enterprise customers.

How to View the Maintenance History of a Tool

You can view historical maintenance and future schedule details by on the Maintenance tab for a Tool Inventory.

  1. Navigate to the Tool tab. [shift-t]
  2. Locate the Tool for which you want to view maintenance history.
  3. Click the Tool to view tool inventory details.
  4. Select the Maintenance tab to view maintenance history.

Scheduling Preventive Maintenance

Scheduling Preventive maintenance is a crucial part of maintaining your tool inventory. ToolWorks supports scheduling preventive maintenance for tracked equipments.

  1. Navigate to the Tools tab. [shift-t]
  2. Locate tools and/or equipments that need maintenance and click Add To Cart.
  3. In the Cart, Click Maintain to create maintenance order and enter the details.
  • Select Type of Maintenance
  • Enter Start and End dates
  • Assign User that will perform the service
  • Optionally notes for maintenance personnel
  • Add Tools/Equipments.
  1. Expand Recurrence.

For scheduling Preventive maintenance based on duration

  • Select Interval

  • Enter Interval Days. New order will be schedule every Interval days.(Think of it as repeat interval)

  • Optionally you can enter an end date to stop the recurrence.

  • There are two options as to when create Next Maintenance

    • Schedule after completion of current work order. Think of it as relative start after maintenance is completed.
    • Create ahead of time based on repetition interval. Think of it as absolute start, dates are fixed based on repetition interval.

For scheduling Preventive maintenance based on meter (mileage or hours)

  • Select Meter
  • Enter Interval Meter Count. New order will be schedule whenever Interval + last maintenance meter exceeds tool meter.
  • Optionally you can enter an end date to stop the recurrence.
  • There are two options as to when create Next Maintenance
    • Select Schedule after completion of current work order. Think of it as relative start after maintenance is completed.
  1. Click Schedule, to schedule service to be performed at a later date.

Note: For meter based maintenance, the Next Maintenance will be based on meter reading entered by user for the tool. When user updates meter, it checks if maintenance need to be scheduled.

Auto Scheduling with Recurrence is available for Enterprise customers.

Bulk Upload

With Bulk upload of maintenance work orders, you can import past history and future schedule details. You can upload multiple maintenance orders at once with multiple tools. You will need to upload a CSV file with the following columns:

FieldsIs RequiredDescription
Order NumberOptionalNumber to assign to work order. This is optional, if you don't provide an order number, it will be auto-generated. It is required if you want to include multiple tools in the same order. Repeat the same order number to combine several rows into one work order.
Type of MaintenanceRequiredName of maintenance service to perform.
Maintenance ByRequiredEmail of person that performed or will perform the maintenance.
StatusOptionalEnter Pending for scheduled work orders. Enter Completed for regular completed order and enter Returned for advanced orders. Defaults to Pending.
Schedule DateRequiredDate when to perform maintenance. Date must be in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Return DateOptionalDate when to maintenance is expected to be completed and tool returned. if not provided, schedule date will be used. Date must be in YYYY-MM-DD format.
BarcodeRequiredAsset tag/barcode of tool
QuantityOptionalNumber of tools (defaults to 1)
Service CommentsOptionalEnter description of work performed.
RepeatsOptionalEnter Interval to repeat the maintenance at fixed interval or Meter to auto schedule maintenance based on meter update.
Interval DaysRequired*Number of days between each maintenance. *Required if you want to repeat.
End AfterRequired*Number of occurrences. End After or End Date is *Required if you want to repeat.
End DateRequired*End repeat by Date. Date must be in YYYY-MM-DD format. End date or End After is *Required if you want to repeat.
Next MaintenanceOptionalEnter Relative to schedule after completion of current work order or enter Absolute to created based on fixed repetition interval. Defaults to Relative.
Due ByOptionalNumber of days after which maintenance is due. You can provide this or return date.
Transfer CustodyOptionalEnter Yes (or Y) to create advanced maintenance order with transfer custody workflow.
Interval TypeOptionalEnter 'MILEAGE' or 'HOURS'

💡 You can download template file to start with from the Maintenance tab > Bulk Upload

Steps to Upload

  1. Navigate to the Maintenance tab. [shift-m]
  2. Click Bulk Upload and select CSV file to upload or drag and drop the file.
  3. View the parsed file. Once you are satisfied with the data, click Upload.

By following these step-by-step instructions, administrators can easily create and manage Maintenance work orders, while service personnel can seamlessly log maintenance details, streamlining the equipment maintenance operations and enhancing overall efficiency and accountability.