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Tools Management

Easily add tools, assign custody to users, check-in tools, transfer tools between stores, maintain tools and fulfill requests from field, all from a single place!


Tools shows list of all assets that you own.

Quickly locate any tool using simple search functionality, it searches against tool name, tool description and inventory barcode.

Advance Filters allow you to search against specific tool parameters:

  • Tool Name
  • Tool Description
  • Barcode
  • Manufacturer
  • Model
  • Inventory Type (Tool/Bulk/Consumable/Equipment)
  • Status (All/Available/Assigned)

To see quickly see Consumables, just select Consumable from drop down for Inventory Type.

You can also utilize Category filter to narrow down tool list. Category filter allows you to filter list based on tool attributes like Power Tools, Safety Equipments etc.

Use Location filter to see tools located in specific location. (subject to appropriate rights)

Tools tab is allows you to take variety of actions on tools, all based on simple shopping experience. Just click Add To Cart next to tool and take appropriate action.

You can take the following actions on tools:

Add Tools

There are multiple ways to add tools:

Snap To Add

Add new tool using AI.

  1. Navigate to Tools tab and click Add Tool.
  2. Upload, drag and drop or Snap Photo of tool you want to add. Our AI driven vision will process the photo and generate tool details. Tool Details are shown to verify / edit.
  3. Click Add to save the new tool

Bulk Add

The Bulk Add Tool streamlines the process of adding multiple tools or equipments with shared characteristics. When you receive a shipment containing multiple units of the same item, you can utilize this feature to efficiently create records for each individual item.

  1. Navigate to Tools tab and click Bulk Add.
  2. Enter the details of the item you want to add
  • Tool Name
  • Comma Separated list of barcodes or provide Prefix, Start, Suffix and quantity to add.
  • Optionally select Inventory Type, enter Manufacturer and Model and upload a Photo.
  1. Click Add to save the new tools.

Bulk Upload

Bulk Upload allows you to upload a CSV file with tool details. You can download template file from Tools tab > Bulk Upload. Bulk Upload is great way to enter lots of tools and auto generate all the related fields. Upload will auto create Locations, Category/Sub Category and Vendors.

You will need to upload a CSV file with the following columns:

FieldsIs RequiredDescription
Tool NameRequiredName of Tool in the Catalog.
Catalog NumberOptionalNumber used to identify tool in the Catalog.
Catalog DescriptionOptionalTool Description.
Inventory TypeRequiredType of Asset, Tool (aka Serialized), Bulk, Consumable, Equipment.
Inactive FlagOptionalIf the tool is no longer active, enter Yes
Unit Of MeasureOptionalUnit of Measure for Quantity of Tool
Category NameOptionalTool Category
Category CodeOptionalCode for Tool Category
Category DescriptionOptionalDescription for Tool Category
Parent Category NameOptionalName of Parent Tool Category for hierarchial list of tool categories
ManufacturerOptionalName of tool manufacturer.
ModelOptionalModel number of tool
BarcodeRequiredUnique identification number for Tool.
Serial NumberOptionalalternate identification number
Aisle/Row/BinOptionalLocation where the tool is kept
LatOptionalGPS Latitude
LonOptionalGPS Longitude
Vendor NameOptionalName of vendor from whom tool was procured
Purchase DateOptionalDate of tool procurement. Date must be in YYYY-MM-DD format
Warranty DateOptionalDate till tool is under Warranty. Date must be in YYYY-MM-DD format
Purchase PriceOptionalPrice of tool
Price CurrencyOptionalCurrency for Price
Is RentalOptionalOwned or Rental. Enter Yes for Rental
Rental Rate UnitOptionalDaily/Weekly/Monthly/Quarterly (etc)
Tool StatusOptionalAvailable, Repair, Retired
Total QuantityOptionalQuantity of Tool for Bulk and Consumable (always 1 for Equipment and Tool/Serialized)
Location NameOptionalTool Store Name
Start DateOptionalDate from which tool will be Available, useful for Equipment. Date must be in YYYY-MM-DD format
End DateOptionalDate till when tool will be Available, useful for Equipment. Date must be in YYYY-MM-DD format

💡 You can download template file to start with from the Tools tab > Bulk Upload

Steps to Upload

  1. Navigate to the Tools tab. [shift-t]
  2. Click Bulk Upload and select CSV file to upload or drag and drop the file.
  3. View the parsed file. Once you are satisfied with the data, click Upload.

Assign Tools to user

  1. Navigate to Tools tab. [shift-t]
  2. Find tool and click Add To Cart. (repeat for each required tool)
  3. In the Cart, click Assign, enter user and click Checkout to assign tool custody to user.

For reserving equipments, click Reserve in the Cart.

Check-In tools

  1. Navigate to Tools tab. [shift-t]
  2. Find tools to check-in and click Check In (->]) for each tool you want to check-in.
  3. In the Cart, click Check In, enter user and click Check In to return tools.

Transfer Tools to another store

  1. Navigate to Tools tab. [shift-t]
  2. Find Tool and click Add To Cart, for all tools that need to be transferred
  3. In the Cart, click Transfer, enter store details and click Transfer to transfer tool to another store.

Maintain Tools

  1. Navigate to the Tools tab. [shift-t]
  2. Locate tools and/or equipments that need maintenance and click Add To Cart.
  3. In the Cart, Click Maintain to create maintenance order and enter the details.
  • Select Type of Maintenance
  • Enter Start and End dates
  • Assign User that will perform the service (optional)
  • Enter notes for maintenance personnel (optional)
  1. Click Schedule to schedule maintenance order. Alternatively, click Check Out to assign equipment custody to user and start the work order.

Fulfill Tool Requests from Field

  1. Navigate to the Tools tab. [shift-t]
  2. Locate request tools and click Fulfill.
  3. Pick requested tools and click Ready. This will notify users that tools are ready to be picked up.
  4. Once you have given tools to user, click Complete to complete the request.

Tools provides a centralized location to manage tools, maintain tools, check-in tools, and fulfill tool requests from field. Just Add To Cart and take action.

Delete One Item from a Tool

  1. Navigate to the Tools tab. [shift-t]
  2. Find tool and click to view details, and then click Delete.
  3. Click OK to confirm.
  4. If tool is deleted, you will be redirected to Tools tab.
  5. If tool is not deleted, you will be shown error message. If you still want to delete, please change status to Retired and then click Delete again.

Delete All Items from a Tool

  1. Navigate to the Tools tab. [shift-t]
  2. Find tool and click on tool name to view common details, and then click Delete.
  3. Click OK to confirm.
  4. If tool is deleted, you will be redirected to Tools tab.
  5. If tool is not deleted, you will be shown error message.

💡 This will delete all inventory for the selected tool, effectively removing the tool. It may not work if an item is already assigned or checked out to user or have audits. In those cases, if you still want to delete, please change status to Retired on individual item and delete each of them.


Kits are special type of tools that can contain or group other tools, acting as tool boxes designed for specific purposes. Kits can be used to track large Knaack boxes, wilding kits, scaffolding, rigging box, concrete box, safety box, etc. Tools, Equipments, Bulk(Quantity items) and Consumables (materials) can be added to Kits. However, a kit cannot contain another kit. Kit tools can be transferred from one site to another site and can be checkedout to user.

Kit Management feature is available for Business and Enterprise customers.

How to Add Kit Tool

Adding Kit Tool is similar to adding any other tool, you can use Snap To Add (using AI) or manually add tool details. To indicate that tool is a Kit, Check the Is Kit checkbox. This marks the tool as Kit and enables you to add tools to it.

How to Add Tools to Kit

  1. Navigate to the Tools tab. [shift-t]
  2. Find the Kit tool and click to view details. On the details page, select Kit Tools tab.
  3. Click Add Tools to add tools. This will show familiar tools browser. Click Add to immediately add the tool to the kit. When adding Bulk and Consumables, you will be shown quantity field.

How to Remove Tools from Kit

  1. Navigate to the Tools tab. [shift-t]
  2. Find the Kit tool and view details. On the details page, select Kit Tools tab.
  3. Locate the tool you want to remove from kit. Click icon to remove the tool from kit.

How to Transfer Kit

Kits are just like any other tool, you can transfer using regular Tool transfer.

How to Checkout Kit

Kits are normal tools and can be checked out to user using Tools tabs.


  1. What happens when you delete a Kit

    When you delete a Kit, kit is broken up and all tools that are part of the Kit are transferred tool store that Kit belongs to.

  2. What happens when you change Tool Name

    When you change tools name from Kit tool to normal tool, kit is broken up and all tools that are part of the Kit are transferred tool store that Kit belongs to.